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Professional Brand: What is it and Why Create It?

Personal Versus Professional Brand These days, there is little difference between a personal and a professional brand. It’s basically your reputation. Your brand will determine whether someone wants to write you a letter of recommendation, hire you, work with you or support your journey on the lattice. “Your brand is what people say about you […]

Creating Opportunity: How Lattice Climbers Began

The Need for Opportunity We created Lattice Climbers because of our fundamental belief that every young adult deserves the opportunity to succeed. Everyone knows that formal education does not equal successful adulting. Depending on your social capital, cultural capital, your background and experiences, you may have gaps in knowledge that could seriously impact your future. […]

Level the Playing Field: Defining the Problem

Equal Opportunity We created Lattice Climbers to level the playing field. We believe that very young adult deserves the opportunity to succeed. Not everyone has the social or cultural capital to know basic soft and life skills.   “Without opportunities to build the right skills, millions of youth will struggle to find jobs and risk […]

Lattice Climbers: Climb the lattice, not the ladder!

Climb the Lattice Everyone knows about climbing the ladder, but you’re here to climb the lattice. With a ladder, there is one path to success and room at the top for one. But with a lattice, there are infinite pathways to success and we are all in it together. Learn more on the Screaming in […]
